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Live Stream Webinar: Keeping your doors open: Preparing for Round 2 of the PPP.

Updated: Jul 29, 2021

How to prepare for the next $250 billion of funding for the Paycheck Protection Program and other updates to keep your Law Firm’s doors open. 

The original $350 billion of funds allocated for the PPP are expected to run out this week. With the second round coming soon, Creative Capital is sponsoring a free webinar, presented by WilkinGuttenplan CPAs & Advisors, geared on providing you with important updates on the PPP and what you need to know for round two.

Live Stream Webinar: Are You Ready for Round 2 of the PPP?

FRIDAY, APRIL 17th | 2-3 PM ET

This Webinar will Cover:

  • Brief update from the team at Creative Capital

  • What is the Paycheck Protection Program?

  • Who is eligible for this?

  • How to calculate the maximum loan amount?

  • How do the loans get forgiven?

  • What are the loan terms if the loan is not forgiven?

  • What information to start gathering in anticipation of loan forgiveness

  • Overview of the Main Street Lending Program and who can benefit the most

  • Question & Answers Period

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